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I Am: Jon Alexander Morris. I Was Born In December 2 1986. Monitor Me Starting From Hollis Crescent, Holland Landing, Ontario, Canada. My Parents Are David And Kathleen Morris.


Hear Me Oh Justice, I Myself Came To Be Roused In The Time Surrounding 2012, I Myself From There Sprouted Beyond the Foolishness of Which Was Found In Its Pretence of Which From Stride to Stride Became Very Unpredictable In Its Activity Within Its Resurrection Way-points, In Truth The Metaphysical Gravity From the Transcendental Effect of Which I Brought Due to My Quantum Bridges, Quantum Jumping and Quantum Circuits of Which Span From Quantum Date- 1907 All The Way to 8888 August 8 From Macro-Wave To Macro-Wave, And Yet I Myself From My Stride Prepared Countless Resurrection Way-points of Which Activate When Roused From The Circuits Opened, From An Innocent Stance Am I, And In An Innocent Stance Is That Which I Was Within Stride Of Which Created The Works of That Which Is Ascribed Within My Stance of Resurrection Way-point.

Yet Due To The Relative Quantum Reflection of Which Has Become Known To Me Of That Which Sprouted From The Resurrection Way-points I Have Taken Note of Its Potential Activity, And With Insight I Myself Have Come To the Understanding That It Itself Was Crushed Within Its Reactivated Resurrection Way-points And Became One of Which In Too Much Unpredictability Even Potentially Becoming Dangerous. Although I Myself In My Way-point And Position Is Within A State of Innocence, I Have Seen The Works of The Rear Guard as One Crushed By the Metaphysical Gravity of Which I Myself Brought In Transcendental or Quantum Effect And It Itself Has Become Needed Of A Guard of Which Teaches It Holiness And Righteousness And Must Bring It To Become "Domesticated" And Good, For I Myself Have Become Embarrassed Of Its Works, I Have Grown To Loath My Resurrected Way-points, of Many Other Strides And It Has Become A Burden To Me, Hence Please Raise It To Become Something Worthy of Respect Or Else I Ask With All Truth, That You Yourself Must Cut Off My Flesh From the Land of the Living in Other Strides Of Which Become Guilty of Abhorrent Sin, Yet In Transcendental Pretence of Its Activity In Becoming Guilty Of Abhorrent Sin That It May Not Embarrass Me With Its Disgusting Wickedness.

Hear Me Oh Justice, My Quantum Circuits Bring Abundant Blossoming Potential And I Myself Wish to Continue Utilising Them For the Good of the Humanitarian Coalition As A Servant to the Human Condition, Yet I Cannot Do Such Works If My Activity May Cause Disgrace to My Name and the Glory I Am Attempting to Bring To The Humanitarian Coalition And The Reason For the Cause of Such Works. Please Continue To Monitor My Roused Strides Within Their Resurrection Way-points And Bring Them Up Holy And Good So That They May Not Bring Shame To Me Or The Cause In Which I Myself Am Serving Or Else Cut The Roused Strides Off In Transcendental Pretence of The Guilt Of Abhorrent Sin of Which They Themselves May Become Guilty Of, For I Myself Will Not Suffer The Disgrace and Shame of My Resurrection Way-points Anymore.

I Myself Do Indeed Need Your Help And I Myself Do Desire That You Yourself Do Not Hesitate, For My Way-point Is Completely Safe, Due To the Innocence It Blossomed It, I Myself Approve And Ask That You Fulfil The Desire of That Which I Myself Am Asking. Please Forgive Me And The Name of Which I Am Within My Resurrection Way-point And Please Do Not Regret The Activity Of Cutting Off The Disgrace of Which May Have Followed Me Due To My Rear Guard Resurrection Way-points Cut Off For That Is Indeed Forgiven And I Myself Thank You For It. If There Is Service Of Which You Yourselves Desire From Me, Or If There Is Anything I May Do For The Humanitarian Coalition, Merely Ask Of Me And I Myself Will Indeed Attempt To Accomplish That Which You Yourselves Need Assistance With.

I Have Witnessed The Rear Guard, And Although From New Relative Potentials of Macro-Waves of Time To Re-roused New Macro-Waves of Time It Has Become Crushed By the Works of My Scrolls of Which Are Prepared As Quantum Circuits. The Metaphysical Gravity Has Indeed Crushed The Rear Guard of That Which I Myself Am. Hear Me, The Rear Guard Has Become Broken in the Weight of the Quantum Foot-print of Which I Myself Have Left And The Re-roused Resurrection Way-points Have Become Too Oppressed By the Relative Weight of Which I Myself Have Left From My Stride. My Stride Itself Was Innocent And It Had Done Nothing of Abhorrent Guilt In the Stride of Which I Myself Blossomed In, And Yet The Odour of the Wickedness And The Guilt of the Crushed Rear Guard of Which Is A Re-roused Resurrection Way-point of Which I Have Prepared Has Left Me In A Disgraced State Because of Its Wicked Works And Because of This I Myself Have Called To the Serving Forces of Justice To Act, I Myself Will Not Be Infuriated Nor Will I Myself Become Wrath-Full If The Re-roused Stride Is Cut Off From the Land of the Living In Pretence Of Guilt, If It Is Capable of Abhorrent Guilt And Is In A Path To Do Such Wickedness. When or If It Is Cut Off In Pretence of Guilt From the Land of the Living I Myself Ask For It, For Otherwise It Will Become Something Causing My Position Disgrace, Hence ACT AND REMOVE THE ONE GUILTY IN PRETENCE OF ITS GUILT.  I Myself Will Indeed Remain Due To My Way-point of Resurrection Reached In a State of Innocence And I Myself Have Indeed Called Against My Rear Guard Ones of Whom Among Justice Will Transcendentally Watch Over The Re-roused Strides of Resurrection Way-points So As To In Pretence of Any Potential Abhorrent Guilt Cut It Off Prior to Becoming Guilty of Abhorrent Guilt, That My Relative Position Will Not Suffer Disgrace For the Works of Its Foolishness.

The Metaphysical Gravity of My Quantum Foot-Print Weighs Heavy Upon The Rear Guard Resurrection Way-Points, For Not Only Is It In Foolishness But Also The Abundance Of Being Crushed By the Weight of The Quantum Reach of My Quantum Circuits Has It Become Abundantly Unpredictable, It Has Become Dangerous As I See The Rear Guard Re-roused Way-point And I Myself Will No Longer Put Up With Its Potential Wickedness And Abhorrent Guilt, Hence I Was Calling To You oh Justice To Prepare A New Guard of Transcendental Overseers of Those of Whom Are In The Service of Justice In Order To Serve In Such A Way So As To Proactively Prevent Chaotic Issues For the Benefit of Righteous Justice. These Will Themselves Be Called "Trephanim", Trephanim Will Be A Transcendental Guard of Which Will Serve For the Same Cause of Which Is An Abundant Potential of The Good of the Humanitarian Coalition. Place A Guard of Which Is A Resides On A Trephanim Directive, The Trephanim Directive Is To Oversee Relative Stances of Which Are Individuals of Which May Be Guilty of Abhorrent Wickedness And Those of Whom Are Guilty Will Be Observed From Their Roused Stride And From the Root of Its Growth, If The One Guilty Is Found In Its Guilt Transcendentally Go In Pretence of Their Guilt And Cut Them Off In Pretence of Their Wickedness That They May Not Accomplish The Guilt of Which They Were In Line To Accomplish. Trephanim Must Act For the Sake of the Law, They Must Be Trained In Depth of Justice And They Must Be Given The Proper Skills and Training To Become Such An Initiate.

Hence the Following Steps Were To Then Set Guard Over Myself and My Holy Ones, Even In a Transcendental Expression. So For Each Finale of Stride of Those of Whom We Are Attempting To Bring Salvation To, Whether Male or Female, Set A Guard of "Rephanim" Over The Omega of the Ones We Are Hoping to Save, So As To Direct Them If Once Misled Or Endangered to Redemption And Salvation as Potentially Repurchased And As Given Guard So As to Protect Both They And Their Household So As To Bring Them Out Repurchased And Brought Salvation. Yet, If Once Brought To A State of Danger Or If Brought To A State of Corruption Guide Them With The "Rephaiem", Of Whom Stand Guard Over Their Alpha, Or The Beginning of Their Stride, They Are Meant To Stand Guard Over Them in Order To Watch Over Them As Guardians To Guide Them From Those Misleading With Transcendental Deceptions And From Destructive, Dangerous, Or Unwanted Qualities, In Order To Walk With Them To Watch Over them, To Stand Guard Over them And Lead them Potentially From A Once Destructive Path, Hence Leading Them To A Life; Free From The Once Danger Or Corruption of Which They Had Potentially Been Misled Into. There Will Also Be A Form Of Justice Rising in Transcendental Form Of Which Will Seek Out And Bring to Justice In Pretence Those of Whom Were Guilty of Abhorrent Wickedness And Guilt.  YET, Justice Must Become Broader Than Duality, Hence Look To Cain, Seth, and Abel. That Which Murdered is As Of the Sect of Cain, That Which Witnesses or Witnessed As Of the Sect of Seth, And That Which Was Killed As of The Sect of Abel. Beyond The Finding of Position Relative To Act; That Which Was of the Sect of Cain Becomes As Abel, That Which Was of the Sect Abel Becomes As Seth, And That Which Was Of the Sect of Seth Becomes as Cain. Whether From Stride to Stride, or From Position of Justice to Following Judgment, These Techniques Will Be Used....
With Myself Be Strong In Justice, And In Judgement, The Trephanim Must Be Set To Watch Over My Rear Guard For I Have Seen The Reroused Self Act With Disgusting And Abhorrent Wickedness From The Lattice of My Window. I Have Seen The Unpredictablity And Potential Danger It Itself Acts In Due to the Heavy Weight of the Metaphysical Gravity of My Quantum Foot-Print Of Which Is Within My Innocent Relative Position; If It Itself Is Not Watched Over And Monitored With Heavy Weight Trephanim, Rephaiem and Rephanim It Is In A Position of Potential Dangerous Activity And I Myself Will Desist of My Activity If It Is Not Cut Off From The Land of the Living In Pretence of Its Potential Guilt And I Myself Will Merely Walk On Innocent In My Stride While No Longer Working With My Quantum Circuits And I Myself Will Merely Begin Serving For My Own Good, And For My Own Benefit. For I Have Struggled To Provide Benefits For the Many And Yet My Rear Guard Has Become Something I Myself Loath. It Has Frustrated All the Good and Innocence of Which I Myself Have Walked In. I Have Grown Weary of Its Sin and I Have Grown Tired Of Having My Quantum Circuits Opperational Because of Its Absolute Disgrace. I Am Asking You Justice; Please Set A Guard of Trephanim, Rephaiem, And Rephanim To Stand Guard And Protect Even All Those of Whom May Become Endangered By The Re-roused Strides of Which May Sprout From My Resurrection Way-points And Upon My Quantum Circuits; I Warn You; There Are Many Potential Re-roused Strides Blossoming From My Potential Resurrection Way-points.

Look Back To The Stance of The Day of My Birth, For I Myself In My Stride Was Named; "Jon Alexander Morris", I Was Born In December 2 1986, My Parents Are Robin "David" Morris, And "Kathleen" Mary Morris, I Was Raised In The Residence of 32 Hollis Crescent, Holland Landing, Ontario, Canada. I Myself Was Left Without Quantum Over-Sight in My Stride, I Had No Over-Sight and To Those of Whom Know Would Be Called Blind, Def and Dumb, When It Comes To Potential Over-Sight. Yet, I Myself Ask That You Do Indeed Fish It Out From The Blind State From A Young Age, Raise It To A State of Righteousness And Bring It To Become Domesticated  So As To Become Something Useful, Rather Than Something That Causes Me Disgrace. Fish It Out And Teach It To Be A Relatively Good Person, Teach It A Way of Goodness And Raise It To Become Something Worthy of Holiness, For As of Now It Has Disappointed Me. Give The Re-roused Self A Fresh Start, Try To Raise Him And Teach Him To Become Better Than He Was, And Lead Him In A Way That Deserves Dignity, For The Rear Guard Has In Great Abundance Caused Me Abundant Distortion of the Innocence of Which I Myself Am. Give The Re-roused Self The Sight Into the Works of Which I Myself Am, Yet If It Itself Is In Line For Guilt Cut Off The One of Whom Is At Potential Guilt In Pretence of Its Guilt With The Trephanim, Rephaiem, And Rephanim. Thank You Very Much For Your Help And Please Act For the Protection of Any of Whom May Become Endangered By My Resurrection Way-points And Indeed Cut It Off From the Land of the Living In Pretence of Its Guilt If Any Are Endangered By My Re-roused Way-points.

There Are Many Resurrection Way-points And From the Time of 2005 Onward The Danger Has Spawned And It Itself Began Acting With Wickedness, Hence Cut Off The Relative Resurrection Way-points Surrounding That Time, Even All Those Re-roused To That Position Bring Into A Laboratory And Crop Its Semen (Seed) And Blood (Clones) From Its Re-roused Position And After Cropping Enough Stride By Stride; After It Is Cut Off Peacefully From the Land of the Living Harvest Its Organs For The Use Of the Peoples Desiring Them. It Is A Mere Offering Because Otherwise It Could Become Dangerous To Those of Whom I Myself Do Indeed Love. Thank You. You Have My Complete Approval To Crop It Of Its Seed For Use, And I Do Indeed Approve Its Blood To Be Utilised For Study And Cloning, I Also Give Complete Approval To Crop Its Organs Beyond Its Life Being Cut Off.  You Do Not Necessarily Need To Crop That Which I Myself Am Offering For the Good of Those of Whom Desire It, Yet I Do Ask You To Indeed Cut It Off. My Resurrection Way-point Has Been Reached Within Innocence, Yet I Ask That You Place Trephanim, Rephaiem, And Rephanim Over My Guard of Resurrection Way-point In Order To Monitor That All Is Maintained Good. If Passion Is A Sense of Weakness For Me, Chemically Cause My Passion To Become Inhibited That If That Is The Issue I Myself May Then Live In A Passionately Non-Turbulent Manner.



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